So the title of this post is very, ridiculously long but tells what many are thinking these days during 2011. It’s August 15 and the GOP race for president is in full swing.
Many that are running against Obama are good candidates. Some of them are Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann, Mitt Romney, and just as of two days ago, Texas governor Rick Perry. Tim Pawlenty just dropped out after getting third in the Iowa straw poll (which isn’t a real big deal).
Many of these GOP runners have good ideas, morals, and beliefs. But the real test will be if one of these people can fix the American government and the debt crisis that is plaguing America.
But let’s talk about Obama for a minute. He has done nothing to help the economy and debt crisis. He keeps telling America that he has “a plan” to fix the debt crisis. But where is it Mr. Obama? Where is the fix? Where is the help? Where are the jobs you promised for the unemployed? This is where I have a problem with Obama. I gave him a chance to do something. Yet I see nothing happening. Where is the “change” Mr. President?
Though Obama may have something up his sleeve, America wants change. Real change. Not some false change, the change that Obama talked about.
Now even though some may say the debt crisis and Economy is caused from past presidents, which is true to some extant, many say Americas government system is broken. Like George Washington who stated political parties will cause only problems. America should take heed of these true words. Opposite sides only cause fighting and deception.
Hopefully America will learn from it’s mistakes. We can only pray she does.