Apple to announce iPhone 5 October 4th


An employee from Apple stated that Apple is set to announce the new iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S on October 4th.

iOS 5 is set to release this fall, though that is what the official Apple iOS website says. Yesterday was the beginning of fall so Apple will be right on time if they announce the new iPhone on October 4th. They would most likely release the new iOS 5 for everyone either right before that or on the day or after a few days.

The fact that Apple has not releases or even has announced a new iPhone yet has many users worried that the production of the new iPhone is not going well. But others like me don't really mind. I love my iPhone 4. The thing I'm most excited about is iOS 5.

You won't need the NEW phone to get iOS 5. Though Apple usually has some game changer that the new iPhone can only do compared to the old iPhones.

But oh well. iOS 5 is right around the corner and I can't wait!