The iPhone 4S is not worth the hype

No, the iPhone 5 wasn't announced or released, only the iPhone 4S.

No iPhone 5... yet. Maybe next year. But that's not what I want this post to be about...

Now, let me say this at first. I have an iPhone 4 and love it. I don't hate the iPhone 4S, it's really cool actually. But here is where I have beef with it; when you are upgrading from the 4 to the 4S.

I know many people that had perfectly good iPhone 4's that went and stood in line for the the new 4S just because it's NEW. Ridiculous and not smart. The main differences with the 4 and 4S is Siri. Seriously. Yeah the 4S has a little better camera, processing chip, and is a little faster loading wise but Siri is the only thing the 4S has that the 4 doesn't.

The real kicker is Siri can work on the iPhone 4. It's already been tested. Apple just isn't allowing it because it's helping drive the 4S sales right now. But maybe one day it will come.

Now people that didn't have a iPhone 4 when the 4S released, I can see getting the 4S - CAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ONE ALREADY.

But that's just me raging about something I think is ridiculous for the price when you already have one. It's my personal opinion.