The Road of Choices

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you had taken a different path in life? Maybe you wish you would have chosen a different career or maybe a different university. Either way what would your life be like if you had chosen differently?

Choices you make reflect your experiences and knowledge from your life. What if you had chosen a different career or college? Would your life be all that better? Or maybe worse? I've known many who wish they could go back in time and change something in their life.
Oh if I could only go back and change this then I would be so much better off
This is the kind of things people will say when they regret something in their past. Something that's interesting here is that when people say things like this, they are forgetting all the good that has happened in their life. They want to focus only on the bad which eats away at their soul.

I'm sure everyone has thought this at one time or another. Wanting to change the past isn't a new idea. One of my favorite movies Back to the Future is a great example of this. Doc Brown creates a time machine and him and Marty learn the hard way what happens when you try to change the past.

Back to the Future is about the present. With all the time traveling and whatnot, in the end it's about living in the present. Doc does meet his wife in the past (wild west) but hey, something good had to come from the time traveling. It is a movie you know.

Anyhow, life is full of choices and you must step up and answer for the things that you choose. It won't be easy at times but in the end the present will be better than the past. So why did I ask the questions at the top of this post? Mainly to get you thinking. I really didn't want this to be a long post so I will leave you with this. If you live wanting for the past, you will never move forward to the future. So live for today and make wise choices with your life.

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. - Matthew 6:34

What is Mighty No. 9?

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Forgiving Yourself

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