Skyfall is the Title of Bond 23


Skyfall is the title of the 23rd Bond film.

Five Best Bookmark Management Tools

The web—and web browsers—evolve extremely quickly, but if there's one web browsing feature that's stood the test of time, it's browser bookmarks. Manage your bookmarks effectively and efficiently with one of these five bookmark management tools.

How to stay Anonymous Online

masked anonymous

You don't need to have evil motives for wanting to fake your identity or go incognito online; for many people, it's a matter of privacy and avoiding spammers and scammers. Thankfully, there are a great many tools for staying anonymous online. Here are a few of the best.

How to Secure and Encrypt Your Web Browsing on Public Networks (with Hamachi and Privoxy)

private property

When you're browsing from a public Wi-Fi connection—like at your favorite coffee shop—anyone on that network can snoop on what you're doing, with very few exceptions. So can the IT crew at your workplace. Today, I'm going to walk through setting up an encrypted proxy server on your home computer so you can secure your browsing session no matter where you're connected, keeping your private data significantly more private.

The iPhone 4S is not worth the hype

No, the iPhone 5 wasn't announced or released, only the iPhone 4S.

Why the Old Testament God is the same as the New Testament God

God and Moses

Recently someone said to me concerning the Old Testament Portrait of God verses the New Testament Picture of God revealed in Jesus:

iOS 5 Released!

The new iOS 5 is now live, bringing with it revamped notifications and more than 200 new features for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. These are the top ten new features, and then some more.

Apple to announce iPhone 5 October 4th


An employee from Apple stated that Apple is set to announce the new iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S on October 4th.

Legalism vs. Obedience


Legalism came up in a conversation today so I just wanted to share what the difference is between being Legalistic versus being obedient.

Play Super Smash Bros. on Your PC as if it's a Game Boy Game

Demakes are always interesting, as they allow us to see what more contemporary games would be like had they been made for older platforms. The latest such project is Super Smash Land, a PC demake of Super Smash Bros. designed as if it were for the original Game Boy.

Minecraft 1.8 Now Live

Just a few hours ago, Notch mentioned on his twitter that he had uploaded Minecraft 1.8 to their servers but it wasn't up yet.


Well now it is! So go grab 1.8 and enjoy the latest Minecraft version in all it's greatness.

More to come.

Minecraft 1.8 Pre-Release leaked

Looks like Minecraft 1.8 PRE-RELEASE was leaked early.

AOL Eyeing Yahoo! Merge

Reports have surfaced that AOL and Yahoo are once again discussing combining the two languishing Internet companies.
According to Bloomberg, AOL CEO Tim Armstrong is discussing the possibility with Yahoo advisers. This development follows the firing of Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz earlier this week.

However, CNBC has since reported that a “source close to Yahoo says no interest in a deal with AOL,” so this rumor may be nothing but wishful thinking on AOL’s part.

This isn’t the first time AOL and Yahoo have been linked. Yahoo was said to be considering a deal with AOL following its rejection of Microsoft’s unsolicited buyout offer in 2008. Last year, rumors again surfaced, focusing on a combination that would see AOL split its content and dialup subscription business (yes, it still exists), and merging the former with Yahoo.

While no deal has come to fruition, both companies have continued to face their share of struggles and seen their valuations shrink. Yahoo’s now worth less than half of what Microsoft offered to acquire the company, and AOL has been on a similar trajectory since being spun off from Time Warner as an independent company.

And while AOL finds itself in the midst of integrating The Huffington Post and dealing with fallout surrounding another acquisition, Yahoo is currently being run by committee as it looks to hire Bartz’s replacement.

In other words, the conditions at both companies seem far from perfect when it comes to executing what would be a complicated merger. But given the desperate situation both are in, perhaps it’s finally time to see if two is better than one.


Xbox 360 dashboard update beta coming in October


Microsoft is prepping to launch another major update to the Xbox 360 user interface, otherwise known as the dashboard, later this year.

Facebook for iPhone 3.5 Released With New Sharing Options, Wall Design

Finally a update we have all been waiting for. You can now tag people within status updates with the Facebook iOS app.

iPhone 5 Release Document At Best Buy

This document from Best Buy indicates an early October release for the iPhone 5

A Few Reasons Why Obama Won't Be Reelected In 2012

So the title of this post is very, ridiculously long but tells what many are thinking these days during 2011. It’s August 15 and the GOP race for president is in full swing.